Monday, 3 August 2009

Ban Blair-Baiting Petition

The inquiry into the Iraq war was launched on 31 July 2009. Within seconds there were calls for Tony Blair to be hung, drawn, and quartered for his part in the war (see this post at a Blair-supporting blog. Click browser's back arrow to return here). The originators of this website consider that such vitriolic hatred directed at a former Prime Minister has no place in our politics. We also believe that at the very least Mr Blair should be given a fair hearing at the inquiry.

We have therefore put the following petition on line.


Bear-baiting, whereby a tethered bear was attacked by a pack of dogs, was outlawed in this country in 1835. It is now time to stop BLAIR-baiting, i.e. attacks on our former Prime Minister by the dogs of anti-war. Less metaphorically it can be defined as the constant incitement of hatred against Tony Blair for taking us to war in Iraq.

This year's Blair-baiting season will reach its peak when the Iraq war inquiry starts to call witnesses. Parts of the media, the anti-Iraq war lobby and some families of soldiers killed in the war are already calling for this to be a TRIAL of Tony Blair with a view to gathering as much evidence as possible to send him to The Hague for "war crimes". Except that unlike a normal trial, Tony Blair has been presumed guilty in advance.

The organisers of this petition do not belong to any one party but are united in our belief in "innocent until proved guilty" and that Mr Blair should be given a fair hearing at the inquiry. To this end we demand that if the Blair-baiters want to turn the inquiry into a trial they should follow the same rules as a trial and not be allowed to make any public comment on the proceedings until they are over.

Please show your support for Tony Blair through this period of "trial" by signing this petition. If you would like to be more actively involved in the campaign associated with it could you please leave your contact details in the "contact author" box that accompanies this petition.

We, the undersigned agree that Blair-baiting should NOT be allowed to prejudice the outcome of the Iraq war inquiry. We therefore call upon the media and other interested parties to refrain from such activity for the duration of the inquiry.

The campaign we have in mind will be focused on countering the anti-Blair activity that will undoubtedly accompany the Iraq war inquiry, particularly when Tony Blair makes his appearance. This will take the form of letters to the media, online comments and demonstrating support for him at the inquiry.

We will keep you informed of developments regarding the petition at this site.